Sunday, 28 December 2014

Ways to beat STRESS FAT

For most of us, stress is a fact of life. Unfortunately, research reveals that it's also a fact of fat. "Even if you usually eat well and exercise, chronic high stress can prevent you from losing weight—or even add pounds," says Pamela Peeke, MD, author of Body for Life for Women.

Here's what happens: Your body responds to all stress in exactly the same way. So every time you have a stressful day, your brain instructs your cells to release potent hormones. You get a burst of adrenaline, which taps stored energy so you can fight or flee. At the same time, you get a surge of cortisol, which tells your body to replenish that energy even though you haven't used very many calories. This can make you hungry...very hungry. And your body keeps on pumping out that cortisol as long as the stress continues.
But few of us reach for carrots in these situations. "Instead, we crave sweet, salty, and high-fat foods because they stimulate the brain to release pleasure chemicals that reduce tension," explains Elissa Epel, PhD, a researcher on stress eating at the University of California, San Francisco. This soothing effect becomes addicting, so every time you're anxious, you want fattening foods.

Obviously, getting rid of all anxiety isn't an option. But by taking these 7 steps to beat stress, you can get your cortisol levels and your weight under control—and improve your health.

1. DROP AND DO 10.

That's right, power out some push-ups. "Moving your muscles is an effective, instant stress reliever. It actually fools your body into thinking you're escaping the source of your stress," says Talbott. "Exercise makes your blood circulate more quickly, transporting the cortisol to your kidneys and flushing it out of your system." But if push-ups aren't practical, just flexing your hands or calf muscles will help move cortisol along, he says.
Get some guidance and motivation on FITNESS, join our GET FIT CHALLENGE (Submit your enquiry today by clicking the link) today!

Under stress, we tend to scarf down even healthy food. In fact, research has linked this behavior to bigger portions and more belly fat. But Epel hypothesizes that slowing down, savoring each bite, and paying attention to feelings of fullness may lower cortisol levels along with decreasing the amount of food you eat, thereby shifting the distribution of fat away from the belly.

It's ironic, but research shows that constant dieting can make cortisol levels rise as much as 18%. In addition, when your cortisol levels spike, your blood sugar goes haywire, first rising, then plummeting. This makes you cranky and (you guessed it) ravenous. When your brain is deprived of sugar—its main fuel—self-control takes a nosedive, and your willpower doesn't stand a chance.

When stress drives you toward something sweet or salty, it's okay to yield a little. "It's much better to indulge in a small way and cut off your cortisol response before it gets out of control," says Epel. "Have a piece of chocolate. You will feel better. Just stop at one." If you have trouble restraining yourself, take precautions so you won't binge.

Next time you're under stress, choose decaf. When you combine stress with caffeine, it raises cortisol levels more than stress alone. In one study by the University of Oklahoma, consuming the equivalent of 2½ to 3 cups of coffee while under mild stress boosted cortisol by about 25%—and kept it up for 3 hours.

Deficiencies in B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium are stressful to your body. And these deficiencies lead to increased cortisol levels and food cravings, says Talbott. But you can fight back by eating a breakfast that's high in these nutrients. 

HERBALIFE NUTRITION will be one stop solution, total solution combined all nutrients, as a healthy breakfast by providing cellular nutrition to our body. As for myself I have lost 17kg with PERSONAL COACHING, HERBALIFE NUTRITION & CUSTOMIZED MEAL PLAN. Lose Weight Now, Ask me HOW! +60163372754 Jessica Seet

Healthy balanced meal which full of nutrients.


The most effective stress-reduction strategy of all: Get enough shut-eye. "Your body perceives sleep deprivation as a major stressor," says Talbott. A University of Chicago study found that getting an average of 6½ hours each night can increase cortisol, appetite, and weight gain. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7 to 9 hours. As if that weren't enough, other research shows that lack of sleep also raises levels of ghrelin, a hunger-boosting hormone. In one study, appetite—particularly for sweet and salty foods—increased by 23% in people who lacked sleep. The good news: A few nights of solid sleep can 
bring all this back into balance, and getting enough regularly helps keep it there. 
Says Talbott, "You'll eat less, and you'll feel better, too."


Best Regards,

Jessica Seet
Herbalife Independent Distributor
Unknown Herbalife Wellness Coach (Kepong)

Healthy Active Lifestyle. Lose Weight and Stay Fit With Herbalife

Friday, 7 November 2014

Maximized Calories Burned!

Calories = Unit of Energy
Calories in the foods you eat are a measure of the number of energy units that food supplies. Those energy units are then used by the body to fuel physical activity, as well as all metabolic processes, from maintaining your heartbeat and growing hair to healing a scraped knee and building muscle. Body weight comes down to a simple equation of calories in (from food) versus calories burned during exercise and other physical activity.

Excess calories are stored as FAT MASS.

Think twice.
Are you still eating EMPTY CALORIES?

Maximized your calories burned by following:-  

1. Add 10 minutes to your morning exercise routine.

While you may be religious about going to the gym after work, waking up 10 minutes earlier in the morning and taking a walk around the block (or, alternatively, simply dancing to your morning radio show for 10 minutes) will let you start off your day with a faster-burning metabolism. Plus, morning exercise will most likely allow you to head off to work in a better mood than usual.
Boost calories burned: 275 calories per week

2. Do interval training

When you alternate high-intensity cardio workout routines with moderate-intensity recovery periods, you boost your calorie burning and increase your fitness level. Interval training will help you break through plateaus.
Here's how: Warm up for 5 minutes, then increase speed or resistance on the machine for 2-5 minutes. Return to your usual pace for 5 minutes, then continue with short bursts interspersed with a moderate pace for the rest of your fitness workouts. Cool down for 5 minutes at a slower pace.
When you're ready to progress, make the work part of the interval longer and decrease the recovery time (but never to less than 30 seconds). For example, you could do 6 minutes at a higher speed and rest for 3 minutes.
Boost calories burned: 300-450 calories per 45 minutes

3. Do workout routines with a faster partner

Whether it's in the gym or on the neighborhood track, a fit buddy will challenge you to keep up and exercise at a higher intensity. It's the friendliest way to kick your own butt! Plus, fitness workouts go faster accompanied by good conversation.
Boost calories burned: Simply increasing your walk from 3 mph to 4 mph will burn almost 100 extra calories in 60 minutes.

4. Try jumping rope on your coffee breaks

Sound silly? It won't after you read the numbers. Slip off your pumps and put on your sneakers, then head off to a corner with a jump rope. These quick heart-pumping workout routines are also weight bearing, so your muscles and bones will benefit. And you'll probably feel completely energized after jumping rope, too.
Boost calories burned : You can burn 208 calories on two 10-minute breaks each day (that's 1,000 calories a week)!

5. Extend your workout routines

If your typical workout is 30 minutes — no shorter, no longer — here's an easy way to challenge yourself. Twice a week, try adding 10 or 15 minutes to your cardio. You'll burn more calories and increase your cardiovascular endurance level, making your weekend hikes and bike rides easier. To adapt your fitness workouts to your higher fitness level, every two weeks up your intensity level by increasing resistance or incline on the machine or road.
Boost calories burned : Running 30 extra minutes on the treadmill each week can burn 400 calories.

6. Change equipment or activities

If you always head right for the treadmill, take a step class or get on the elliptical trainer and step up the intensity. This may increase the calorie burn of your workout because our bodies work less efficiently doing new exercises than those we're used to. Periodically shifting activities will also decrease the chance of an overuse injury and keep your workouts fresh and fun.
Boost calories burned: Step aerobics vs. walking at 3.5 mph burns 237 vs. 177 calories in 30 minutes.

7. Add another day to your workout routines

Ho-hum ... does week after week only encompass Monday-Wednesday-Friday on the treadmill? Add a Saturday bike ride or Sunday morning indoor cycling class to your week, and your fitness level -- and body shape -- will show it. Make your workout activity-focused and you'll also invigorate your mind and spirit.
Boost calories burned: A two-hour hilly hike can burn up to 800 calories.


Nothing gets you out of a fitness rut faster than refining your routine based on the experience of someone who knows exactly how to get results. A good PROFESSIONAL EXPERT will look at your current program to make sure it's safe and effective. Does this sound too extravagant? Make an appointment with an expert ONCE PER WEEK to update your workout routines &/ the FOOD YOU EAT EVERYDAY, get feedback on your form.
Boost calories burned during exercise: If your PERSONALIZED PROFESSIONAL EXPERT has you change from a fast walk to a slow jog, you'll burn an extra 100 calories in 30 minutes( have just done 20%! Always remember the 80% which is HERBALIFE NUTRITION. GET FIT NOW, ASK JESSICA HOW! CONTACT +60163372754 JESSICA SEET as soonest possible.).

9. Try a mini-triathlon

Instead of trying to force yourself to stay on the recumbent bicycle for 45 minutes each time you work out, here's your new mini-triathlon: 15 minutes power walking on a steep incline on the treadmill, 15 minutes on a stationary cycle (ideally at a high resistance level), then 15 minutes in the pool (or use the racing program on your gym's rowing machine). Be sure to warm up, cool down and stretch, and don't forget to write down your speeds to keep track of your progress. Reward yourself when you reach the finish line!
P.S.: For an added bonus, combine this activity with cardio boost #3 — working out with a partner — to make this activity even more fun.
Boost calories burned during exercise: One workout = 600 calories burned

10. Eat wisely


"At Herbalife, we recommed your DAILY CALORIE INTAKE should be personalized, depending on BODY COMPOSITION, GENDER and LIFESTYLE."

Get your PERSONALIZED MEAL PLAN with PROFESSIONAL EXPERT guiding, CONTACT +60163372754 Jessica Seet

Best Regards,
Jessica Seet
Herbalife Independent Distributor

Unknown Herbalife Wellness Coach (Kepong)

Healthy Active Lifestyle. Lose Weight and Stay Fit With Herbalife

Monday, 25 August 2014

STOP doing these & GO RIGHT!

1. Stop with the excuses. 

Everyone has the same amount of time, and to give you some tough love: people who are busier than you are finding time to workout. Do away with the energy-defeating excuses and create time in your day to exercise. You'll feel so much better after you do. 

2. Stop skipping workouts. 

Working out on the occasional Thursday isn’t going to keep you healthy. Come up with an exercise plan that works for you and stick to it. Maybe you do cardio three times a week and strength training twice a week. Or maybe you'll power walk a couple days a week and swim laps on weekends. Get exercise on your calendar most days of the week, and give yourself one day to skip instead of skipping six.

3. Stop self defeating thoughts.

If you say, I don’t like exercise, guess what? You won’t like exercise. Approach it from a different angle instead. Ask yourself: What exercise would I enjoy?What form of activity will motivate me to do it each day because I like it? Maybe it’s playing soccer with your kids or going for a walk with your neighbor. You have endless options—play a sport, join a gym, take a ballroom dance class, swim, hike, ice skate or rollerblade. No matter what your age or physical ability, there is something out there for you. You just need to find it. 

4. Stop ignoring strength training. 

You don’t need an at-home gym or free weights to build muscle, there are many resistance training exercises you can do with your own body weight and you can always incorporate good, old fashioned push-ups. Try some squats and lunges. Don’t forget the plank position too—it’s a great strength builder for your whole body.

5. Stop mindless eating. 

Pay attention to WHAT YOU EAT and why. Instead of losing yourself in the fridge for comfort, ASK YOURSELF WHAT'S GOING ON YOURSELF instead. Slow down. Decide to eat healthy first and once your appetite is satiated, you probably won’t be craving to overindulge.

6. Stop avoiding the scale.

Advice about weighing yourself has always been all over the map. Some experts think weighing yourself daily can be defeating if you see a slight increase because of water weight gain, but weighing yourself daily is a great way to gauge how you are doing. Just be realistic about it and don't give the scale permission to determine how you should feel about yourself. Don’t freak out if you're up a pound or two one morning. Just use the scale to track your weight and keep your health top of mind. 

7. Stop skimping on sleep.

You need EIGHT HOURS of SLEEP a night for your health. You also need it for your waistline. When you don’t get enough sleep, it drives down leptin levels, which means you don't feel as satisfied after you eat. And a lack of sleep causes ghrelin levels to rise, which stimulates your appetite and you get hungrier. With eight hours of sleep, you'll be well rested and more likely to make great decisions—to do or not to do—for your health.



Looking for a SOLUTION to be FITTER & HEALTHIER by using the right healthy way with 100% POSITIVE MINDSET? 
Whatsapp +60163372754 or Facebook Message

Best Regards,

Jessica Seet
Personal Wellness Coach
Unknown Herbalife Wellness Coach (Kepong)

Healthy Active Lifestyle. Lose Weight and Stay Fit With Herbalife

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Reading Food Nutrition Fact

Start here. Note the size of a single serving and how many servings are in the package.
Check total calories per serving. Look at the serving size and how many servings you’re really consuming. If you double the servings you eat, you double the calories and nutrients, including the Percent Daily Value (% DV).
Limit these nutrients. Remember, you need to limit your total fat to no more than 56–78 grams a day — including no more than 16 grams of saturated fat, less than two grams of trans fat, and less than 300 mg cholesterol (for a 2,000 calorie diet).
Get enough of these nutrients. Make sure you get 100 percent of the fiber, vitamins and other nutrients you need every day.
Quick guide to % DV. The % DV section tells you the percent of each nutrient in a single serving, in terms of the daily recommended amount. As a guide, if you want to consume less of a nutrient (such as saturated fat, cholesterol or sodium), choose foods with a lower % DV — 5 percent or less is low. If you want to consume more of a nutrient (such as fiber), seek foods with a higher % DV — 20 percent or more is high.
Here are more tips for getting as much health information as possible from the Nutrition Facts label:
  • Remember that the information shown in these panels is based on 2,000 calories a day. You may need to consume less or more than 2,000 calories depending upon your age, gender, activity level, and whether you’re trying to lose, gain or maintain your weight. 
  • In general, as you think about the amount of calories in a food per serving, remember that for a 2,000-calorie diet:
    • 40 calories per serving is considered low;
    • 100 calories per serving is considered moderate; and
    • 400 calories or more per serving is considered high.
  • There is no % DV shown for trans fat on the panel because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not have enough scientific information to set this value. We recommend eating less than 20 calories or (less than two grams of trans fat) a day – that’s less than 1 percent of your total daily calories (for a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet).
  • When the Nutrition Facts panel says the food contains “0 g” of trans fat, it means the food contains less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving.
  • When the Nutrition Facts label says a food contains “0 g” of trans fat, but includes “partially hydrogenated oil” in the ingredient list, it means the food contains trans fat, but less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving. So, if you eat more than one serving, you could quickly reach your daily limit of trans fat.
In addition to the Nutrition Facts label, a lot of foods today also come with nutrient content claims provided by the manufacturer. These claims are typically featured in ads for the foods or in the promotional copy on the food packages themselves. They are strictly defined by the FDA. The chart below provides some of the most commonly used nutrient content claims, along with a detailed description of what the claim means.
If a food claims to be...It means that one serving of the product contains...
Calorie freeLess than 5 calories
Sugar freeLess than 0.5 grams of sugar
Fat freeLess than 0.5 grams of fat
Low fat3 grams of fat or less
Reduced fat or less fatAt least 25 percent less fat than the regular product
Low in saturated fat1 gram of saturated fat or less, with not more than 15 percent of the calories coming from saturated fat
LeanLess than 10 grams of fat, 4.5 grams of saturated fat and 95 milligrams of cholesterol
Extra leanLess than 5 grams of fat, 2 grams of saturated fat and 95 milligrams of cholesterol
Light (lite)At least one-third fewer calories or no more than half the fat of the regular product, or no more than half the sodium of the regular product
Cholesterol freeLess than 2 milligrams of cholesterol and 2 grams (or less) of saturated fat
Low cholesterol20 or fewer milligrams of cholesterol and 2 grams or less of saturated fat
Reduced cholesterolAt least 25 percent less cholesterol than the regular product and 2 grams or less of saturated fat
Sodium free or no sodiumLess than 5 milligrams of sodium and no sodium chloride in ingredients
Very low sodium35 milligrams or less of sodium
Low sodium140 milligrams or less of sodium
Reduced or less sodiumAt least 25 percent less sodium than the regular product
High fiber5 grams or more of fiber
Good source of fiber2.5 to 4.9 grams of fiber
If you can’t remember the definitions of all of the terms, don’t worry. You can use these general guidelines instead:
  • “Free” means a food has the least possible amount of the specified nutrient.
  • “Very Low” and “Low” means the food has a little more than foods labeled “Free.”
  • “Reduced” or “Less” mean the food has 25 percent less of a specific nutrient than the regular version of the food.

Pay attention to the serving size, especially how many servings there are in the food package. Then ask yourself, "How many servings am I consuming"? (e.g., 1/2 serving, 1 serving, or more) In the sample label, one serving of macaroni and cheese equals one cup. If you ate the whole package, you would eat two cups. That doubles the calories and other nutrient numbers, including the %Daily Values as shown in the sample label.

I am so lucky that I have the best food choice I take everyday been taking care at UCLA by the best Nutritionist and Doctor, one of the doctor, Dr Louis Ignarro is Nobel Laureate Awarded. Also, this is the secret to keep me FIT, HEALTHY and PRETTY! For Enquiry,

Warmest Regards,
Jessica Seet
Personal Wellness Coach

Unknown Herbalife Wellness Coach (Kepong)

Healthy Active Lifestyle. Lose Weight and Stay Fit With Herbalife

Monday, 7 July 2014

Why can't you put on muscle?

Whether it’s for sport, the competition stage or a personal goal, many women want to add muscle to their frames but have a hard time doing so. Why? Putting on muscle starts with one’s level of testosterone, and women just don’t have that much of it! Testosterone is released in small quantities into the blood stream by the ovaries and the adrenal gland. While most men produce about 6 to 8 mg per day, an average woman only produces 0.5 mg. Other reasons women can struggle with adding muscle are ineffectivetraining, a fast metabolism and insufficient nutrition.

Today, I am going to cover the common nutritional mistakes that individuals make when trying to gain muscle. I also share ways that you can maximize your natural testosterone levels and fuel muscle growth with smart nutrition so you can build the tight, sculpted body you desire!

#1 – You’re Not Eating Enough
Not eating enough calories is probably the number one mistake you can make when trying to gain muscle. The bottom line is many women are overtraining and under eating. So, keep track of the amount of exercise you are performing and the number of calories you are taking in over a week. Are you in a calorie deficit? If so, you are not providing your body with sufficient calories or nutrients to stimulate muscle gains. Try adding an additional 15 – 20 percent more calories as a starting point. You don’t want to pack on too much weight too quickly, as this won’t be quality lean muscle gain. So aim for 0.5 – 1.0 lb of weight gain per week.

Why Can’t I Put On Muscle? - Avoid these 5 nutritional mistakes#2 – You’re Cutting Your Protein Needs Short
Upping your calories is only the first step to putting on muscle. You also need to ensure that you are eating the right portions of each macronutrient—most importantly, protein. If you do not provide the body with sufficient protein, it cannot maintain protein balance. This makes it difficult to build or even maintain your current muscle mass.

A good starting point is to make sure you are getting at least 1 gram of protein per pound bodyweight. However, elevating this to 1.5 g/lb can ensure an adequate supply of amino acids or building blocks to maintain and stimulate muscle growth. Make sure to choose high quality sources of protein that deliver all of the essential amino acids need for muscle production including: lean red meat, eggs, whey protein, poultry and fish.

#3 – You Think Carbohydrates Are The Enemy
Why Can’t I Put On Muscle? - Avoid these 5 nutritional mistakesComplex carbohydrates are an essential part of a muscle building diet. Carbohydrates are your body’s preferred energy source. The body stores carbohydrates as glycogen in your liver and in your muscle tissues. Post-workout, when the body needs energy, the stored supply is utilized via conversion of carbohydrates and sugar into ATP or energy through the process of glycolysis.

If you have a high metabolism and have problems putting on weight, chances are your body is burning through its supply of carbohydrates quickly and efficiently. When carbohydrate levels are low, the body will switch from glycolysis to the process known as gluconeogenisis, which is the conversion of protein into carbohydrates as an energy source. This means it may begin utilizing your hard-earned muscle for fuel. However, if you are providing your body a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates—at least 30 – 40 percent of your caloric intake depending on the speed of your metabolism—you will be able to maintain muscle and fuel recovery, repair and muscle building.

Choose complex carbohydrates, which are digested slowly and provide sustained energy between meals. Good selections include whole grains, oatmeal, brown rice, bulgur and sweet potato.

#4 – You Don’t Eat Enough Fats
Being deficient of fat in the diet, particularly essential fatty acids or EFAs, can impede muscle building. EFAs help to preserve muscle tissue and even decrease body fat. They can also assist in amino acid uptake, increase insulin sensitivity, provide building blocks for growth factors, boost testosterone production and assist with transport of important nutrients in and out of the cells.

In addition, since fats boast the highest caloric value of 9 calories per gram, they make a great candidate for getting in your extra calories. Try adding a handful of nuts or a tablespoon of your favorite nut butter to your oatmeal or protein shake. Also, consider adding a tablespoon of oil such as flaxolive oil or safflower oil over your veggies or salad.

Why Can’t I Put On Muscle? - Avoid these 5 nutritional mistakesAnd, don’t forget the saturated fat. Studies have shown that those who train while consuming some saturated fats have the tendency to gain more muscle mass and strength than those who eat less cholesterol. Why? Because cholesterol is converted to testosterone! So, make sure to include some red meat, whole eggs, coconut oil, cashews and full fat dairy products from time to time.

Aim for a total fat intake of 20 to 30 percent of your daily calories.

#5 – You Miss Out On Post Workout Recovery
If you have been slipping on your post workout recovery nutrition, you aren’t doing yourself any favors! You have probably heard the term anabolic window. This short, one-hour timeframe immediately after your workout is essential for recovery and muscle growth. In fact, it has been shown that consuming a post workout shake during the anabolic window can kick-start muscle protein synthesis and increase testosterone production.

Research suggests consuming a 2 to 1 ratio of simple carbs and protein after a workout is ideal for muscle growth. All you need is a 30 g serving of whey protein powder combined with 60 g of a simple carbohydrate powder to kick-start recovery and muscle building pathways!

In fact, sharing from Dr. Madina, 

"Women : 75g protein needed. 

Men : 100g protein needed."

Therefore, Herbalife Protein Shake included 15g of high quality of protein, so if replace BREAKFAST & DINNER. We still need to include healthy protein in our lunch. 

Also, after workout, post workout recovery is important to replenish and build up our muscle. Thus, Herbalife Protein Shake is the best with 18amino acids which body needs it. 

For enquiry, 

Unknown Herbalife Wellness Coach (Kepong)

Healthy Active Lifestyle. Lose Weight and Stay Fit With Herbalife

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Eating Balanced : 20/80 Rule!

It means that you don't need to cook every meal by your own also can.

Of course, if you cook yourselves then you can know how much oil and carbohydrate on your meals. 
So HOW if we have no time to cook, love eating out, have no choice that must eating out?

We can choose to eat:-

  • High protein (lean meat, no skin, white meat, e.g. Fish & Chicken Breast)
  • High fiber (vegetables & fruits)
  • Less Carbohydrate
  • Less Oily
  • No Spicy

It means that we still need to enjoy celebration/special occasions/wedding dinner/birthday,etc.

Always feel that eating a piece of cake, have a bbq or big fiesta are ruining your diet after enjoyed?

But if you are living with 20% exercise 80% nutrition, which means you are not indulging in cake or any unhealthy fiesta too often, you know how to balance it in your rest of life! 
That's why COACH and HEALTH CONCEPT are important to guide you.
Life is about 

It means a way of LIFESTYLE.

20% Exercise and 80% Nutrition are just a way of lifestyle instead of just a way of diet.
Remember it is not how good you are, IT IS HOW GOOD YOU WANT TO BE!

Start building ACTIVE HEALTHY LIFESTYLE, start listening to your body needs healthy protein and fiber instead of high calories of burger or nasi lemak.
Use your taste buds to taste the healthy snacks, like fruits and healthy nuts, use your brain to feel it, IT SOUNDS BETTER!

It means you don't have to be 100% perfect of the time.

Nobody is perfect, but we gotta balance our life.

Well, it is a good idea to aim for 100% of time of not buying unhealthy food, cooking at home is a good idea, choosing smart when eating out. We should be expected to go for sure all the time.

In fact, allowing yourself to have a little GIFT in your active healthy lifestyle, because we still need to celebrate. Because eating perfect 100% of the time might sound bitter of your life, or when you might have lower willpower of the time, then you might go for a pint of ice-cream because you are eating boiled light food all the time.

Of course, perfection is all lead people. But don't aim to be perfect, AIM TO BE PRETTY GOOD at the MAJORITY OF TIME, this is the biggest and greatest we should do!

BALANCE IS THE KEY, AIM TO HAVE 20% EXERCISE, 80% NUTRITION. If you have no time on your 20%, what are you hesitate on your 80%?



Warmest Regards,
Jessica Seet
Personal Wellness Coach

Unknown Herbalife Wellness Coach (Kepong)

Healthy Active Lifestyle. Lose Weight and Stay Fit With Herbalife

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Saturated Fats vs Unsaturated Fats

People always have no idea while looking at the [NUTRITION FACTS] while shopping for  grocery. Here is some tips on reading the FATS.
Fats are molecules made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. There are two types of fat - saturated fats and unsaturated fats. The type of fat depends upon the arrangement of the above mentioned atoms in the molecule.

Comparison of Saturated Fats vs Unsaturated Fats

Saturated Fats

Unsaturated Fats

Type of bondsConsist of SINGLE bondConsist of at least 1 DOUBLE bond
Recommended consumptionNot more than 10% of total calories per dayNot more than 30% of total calories per day
Health EffectsExcessive consumption is not good because of their association with atherosclerosis and heart diseases.Unsaturated fats are considered good to eat if you are watching your cholesterol. Also high in antioxidants.
CholesterolSaturated fats increase Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL or bad cholesterol) & Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDL's).Sources of bad cholesterol are foods rich in trans fatty acids, refined carbohydrates, such as white sugar, and flour.Unsaturated fats increase High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL or good cholesterol) and decrease Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL or bad cholesterol). Sources of HDL include onions and Omega-3 fatty acids like flax oil, fish, foods rich in fiber like grains.
Commonly found inButter, coconut oil, whole milk, meat, peanut, butter, margarine, cheese, vegetable oil, fried foods, & frozen dinnersAvocado, soybean oil, canola oil and olive oil, sunflower oil, fish oils walnuts, flax, & red meats
Shelf LifeThese are long lasting and do not spoil quicklyThese spoil quickly
Melting PointHighLow
Physical state at room temperatureSolid (Trans Fats & Saturated Fats)Liquid (Monounsaturated & Polyunsaturated Fats- Omega 3's & 9's)
ExamplesHydrogenated Oils, Butter, Processed MeatsOlive Oil, linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid

Health Effects of Saturated vs Unsaturated Fat
Fatty acids in butter, margarine, mayo and various types of oils used for cooking.
Fatty acids in butter, margarine, mayo and various types of oils used for cooking.

Unsaturated fat is further divided into two types: Mono-unsaturated fat and Poly-unsaturated fat. A fat molecule is mono-unsaturated if it contains one double bond, and poly-unsaturated if it contains more than one double bond.

Both the types of fat - saturated and unsaturated - are important for daily consumption. It is recommended to take both in a limited quantity. The American Heart Association has determined that Americans should limit their intake of saturated fats to 7% of their total calories in a day. While unsaturated fats can form 30% of the calorie intake.
Saturated fats are needed for the production of hormones, the stabilization of cellular membranes, the padding around organs, and for energy. A deficiency in the consumption of saturated fats can lead to age-related declines in white blood cell function, along with dysfunction of the immune system and even cancer. However, a diet high in saturated fat content can lead to coronory heart diseases and atherosclerosis and increase the chances of stroke.
Unsaturated fats (except trans fats ) are usually considered good by dietitians. These fats are known to increase the levels of High Density Lipoprotein and hence decrease the bad cholesterol. Both types of unsaturated fat- mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats can replace saturated fats in the diet. Substituting saturated fats with unsaturated fats help to lower levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in the blood. However, intake of unsaturated fats in very high amounts can also increase the risk of coronory heart diseases.

Animal fat tends to be highly saturated with hydrogen, while vegetable fats are unsaturated to varying degrees. However, all foods contain a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fats. For example, poultry contains 30% saturated fat and 70% unsaturated fat.
Foods that contain a high proportion of saturated fat are butter, ghee, coconut oil, cottonseed oil, and palm kernel oil, dairy products (especially cream and cheese), meat, and chocolate. Foods containing unsaturated fats include avocado, nuts, and vegetable oils such as soybean, canola, and olive oil. In reality, many foods contain both saturated and unsaturated fats, but they're described as one or the other depending on which makes up the majority. So, a healthier unsaturated fat such as olive oil contains saturated fats, too.

Get a healthy meal advice, PM me.

Warmest Regards,

Jessica Seet
Personal Wellness Coach

Unknown Herbalife Wellness Coach (Kepong)

Healthy Active Lifestyle. Lose Weight and Stay Fit With Herbalife